The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior has involved numerous researchers across waves of data collection.
For Wave 1 of the NSSHB (conducted in 2009), the initial research was developed by Drs. Debby Herbenick, Michael Reece, Brian Dodge, Stephanie Sanders, and Dennis Fortenberry. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Vanessa Schick joined the research team and co-authored all of the initial NSSHB papers appearing in the 2010 special issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine. In 2015, Dr. Tsung-chieh (Jane) Fu joined the core NSSHB team, followed shortly thereafter by Dr. Devon Hensel. Most recently, Drs. Paul Wright and Zoe Peterson have contributed to Wave 8 of the NSSHB.
We have benefitted from numerous collaborators including: Lucia Guerra-Reyes, Jonathon Beckmeyer, Susan Middlestadt, Will McConnell, Wendy Bostwick, Eli Coleman, Jessie Ford, Mark Hatzenbuehler, Ethan Levine, Omar Martinez, Katie Barnhart, Randy Hubach, Elizabeth Bartelt, Chris Owens, Cynthia Robbins, Ben Rush, Erika Collazo, Ben Guthrie, Ashley Townes, Jenny Higgins, Nicole Smith, Amaya Perez-Brumer, Ken Mayer, Theo Sandfort, Miguel Munoz-Laboy, Mackey Friedman, Molly Rosenberg, Shemeka Thorpe, Lilian Golzarri Arroyo, Aleta Baldwin, Twinet Parmer, Alison Carter, Brittanni Wright, Deana Williams, Callie Patterson Perry, Kody Brandenburg, and Corey Tatz, among others. (Friends, colleagues, and alumni – if we have mistakenly omitted your name, please tell us!)